The Origins of the Alexander Technique
Alexander was a successful actor/reciter of his time who at a crucial point in his career had trouble with his voice to the point he could not perform. Doctors could not get to the bottom of this so he decided to observe himself to see if he could work out what it was what he was doing that may be causing his difficulty. After much time he noticed, particularly when he projected his voice that he tended to thrust his chest forward, hollow the back in and pull his head back in such a way that the neck/larynx area was compromised. He needed to find a way of preventing this happening, however it was so ingrained and automatic every time he went to project his voice – He developed a method that over time that not only did his voice come back but his breathing capacity improved.
He noticed he was not alone; he started to help other actors and became known as ‘The Breathing Man’, However over time it became apparent that the general health of a person greatly improved with the hands on work of the Technique.
And so came about The Alexander Technique Read about his discovery in: The Use of The Self by FM Alexander